Guardians that bring positivity to your regeneration process

Many of our clients, perhaps like you, work in the world of estate regeneration and development. It is hard to overstate the complexity and nuance associated with the successful running of these kinds of programmes, as it is not only the material property of the area that is affected, it is the lives and experiences of the local residents. While the final goal of the regeneration or development is to improve the living conditions of these residents, the journey to get there can feel like a struggle. In this article, we’ll explore how bringing Dot Dot Dot guardians into the mix can ease the strain of these projects on you, and on the community.

For you – managing long lead times, interdependent project stages, multiple stakeholders, financial uncertainties, concerned residents – the list of potential stressors may feel endless. And for residents the prospect of being temporarily, but indefinitely, rehoused, the demolition and rebuilding of their home, and the sight of new and unknown people being housed among them, can be incredibly unsettling. Our home should be a place of safety, where we return after long day’s at work, where we care for the people most precious to us. So, showing support and positivity to residents through the inevitable upheavals is absolutely key to the wellbeing and success of the community.

At Dot Dot Dot, we have extensive experience of the long and complex process of regeneration and development projects. We understand that there is no quick solution to getting schemes of this scale and importance completed. However, we take nothing for granted, and seek opportunities to optimise outcomes at every stage, not just the end.

At any given moment in your project, you might have a set of long standing residents who need to be rehoused, as well as a set of properties sitting empty. You may have a list of people that have been promised temporary council housing, who could fill those places, but you may be concerned about the risks of dropping unknown personalities and behaviours into an already disrupted situation. You may not know exactly how long your voids will be empty, and you might need to retake possession at very short notice.

That’s where our guardians come in. Working with us as part of your wider ‘meanwhile strategy’ enables you to ensure that the community remains balanced, upbeat, and supportive throughout your project.

The key benefits of bringing Dot Dot Dot on board as a partner are:

1. Increased safety and wellbeing for the community

Occupied homes are considerably safer than empty ones. Our guardians maintain the condition of the property and ward off antisocial behaviour.  And, at Dot Dot Dot, we only house guardians who care about the local area and who volunteer for local causes, making them desirable short-term neighbours for your community residents.

2. Minimising costs

Guardians can reside anywhere as long as it is safe and meets minimum property standards. So flats that would be too expensive to refurbish for the purposes of temporary council accommodation can be used for guardianship. Their presence also reduces the need for expensive hard security options like Sitex.

3. Flexible timescales 

Your team at Dot Dot Dot can make properties ready for guardians within days, meaning someone trustworthy and reliable can move in the estate very quickly. When you need that property back for construction to start, our guardians can leave the property with minimal notice, as they always have an onward step planned in advance.

Your team at Dot Dot Dot can make properties ready for guardians within days, meaning someone trustworthy and reliable can move in the estate very quickly. When you need that property back for construction to start, our guardians can leave the property with minimal notice, as they always have an onward step planned in advance.

Talk to us about how to strike the right balance throughout your regeneration project.